Tuesday, 17 May 2011

RHEL Prerequsites for SAP Installation

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

1. File System     size(GB)

 /(Or all OS realted file system)  30
 /sapmnt      25
 /usr/sap     25
 /oracle      350
 /sapmedia            40

2. Swap space    40

3.Kernel Parameters
  Change the following parameters in  /etc/sysctl.conf
 Paramater Name

 kernel.msgmni 1024
 kernel.sem 1250 256000 100 1024
 vm.max_map_count 1000000
 kernel.shmmax   0
 kernel.shmall   5242880
Activate these settings with the command "sysctl -p".

5.Java needed to be  installed.
Required rpm for java to be installed  IBMJavaSDK-1.4.2-13.5
Download from ibm site ( create userid )

6.Services should be running  on RHEL 5.5

7.Root Access required
zip utility in all Linux Hosts
FTP/SFTP utility in all Linux Hosts
X Window-Manager

Please Do read the following Notes before starting SAP installation on Linux platform:

Note 1048303 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x: Installation and upgrade
Note 171356 - SAP software on Linux: Essential information (import)
Note 941735 - SAP memory management for 64-bit Linux systems

Note 1172419 - Linux: Supported Java versions on the x86_64 platform
( IBMJava2-AMD64-142-SDK-1.4.2-13.8.x86_64.rpm )

Note 386605 - SAP Memory Management for Linux (32-bit)

Note 187864 - Linux: Locale Support on Linux

To resolve libxp.so.6 error , install XFree86-libs


if you get error in creating user for sap system
1.) check the log message
2.) oraadm -- password is wrong
3.) then rechange the password to master password
4.) click retry button

Oracle Pacth installation
stop all oracle process before patching
1.) unzip
2.) shutdown
3.) ./runinstaller

4.) startup upgrade
5.) run the script catetcrd.sql
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

if open migrate  error comes then stop the database and run the catupgrd.sql
then start the database stage by stage
1.)  STARTUP NOMOUNT (startup mount)
2.)  MOUNT (alter database mount )
3.)  OPEN THE DATABASE (alter database open)

then click on retry...

important notes:
OSS-note no. 0112891 (Last-Minute Infos about the IDES-Installation)
OSS-note no. 0039228 (Getting Started with IDES)
OSS-note no. 0043106 (IDES General Customer Information)

Default Users
Just as there is a default client, every installed R/3 System contains default users that have specific predefined authorizations
Client    User                         Default Password
000        SAP*                         06071992
000        DDIC                        19920706
001       SAP*                          06071992
001       DDIC                         19920706
066       EARLYWATCH                   SUPPORT
If You try to delete the user SAP* and DDIC, the password is reset to the password in the R/3 kernel, PASS. The users themselves are retained. This is constitutes a gap in security.
To overcome this we user to Restrict the login on USER SAP*. Through SAP Profile Management


  1. Hey! Thanks for sharing this info, I like to be prepared when I'm installing something new, and to make sure that I have everything that's needed. I read somewhere that I also need to install an adapter of some sort. Would you happen to know anything about that? Thanks.

  2. Hi,

    Adapter is needed from Operating system level , to connect internet ..

  3. SAP basis are not gonna setup adapter , ask your system admin to configure adapter ..

  4. Good article and very descriptive..

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