Monday, 4 July 2011

Cannot create Lock File) when run startsap

[root@ECCECQ2 ~]# tail -f /home/ecqadm/startsap_DVEBMGS12.log
Called command: /usr/sap/ECQ/SYS/exe/run/startsap start Starting Startup Agent sapstartsrv
 Instance Service on host ECCECQ2 started
Starting SAP Instance DVEBMGS12
Cannot create Lock File. ("sapstart.sem" Permission denied)
(6662) Exiting with Return-Code -103. (Access permission denied)
 Startup of Instance failed


1.) Check the all the file system used percentage
2.) This may cause bcoz of shared memory , just restart the application & OS
3.) sidadm user doesnt own the usr/sap/dir or the sapmnt dir
    (Change the ownership of the user:Group using chown command in unix )

I have faced this issue , while starting the apllication & i worked more than 5 hours to fix it , I hope given info will help you to fix the issue asap.