Thursday, 16 June 2011

Differences between SAP Netweaver EP and EPC

EP stands for Enterprise Portal – the well-known SAP Portal installation that includes all Portal components and functionality. EPC stands for Enterprise Portal - Core – is a leaner installation of the Portal that includes only the core Portal functionality without additional functionality such as Knowledge Management, Collaboration, etc

EP Core (EPC)This usage type contains the core portal capabilities that were available in the
former usage type EP. This new usage type provides more flexibility when
implementing a portal where the full enterprise portal capabilities, such as
knowledge management and collaboration, are not needed. It contains the
portal, Guided Procedures (GP), and Universal Worklist (UWL).

Enterprise Portal (EP)This usage type includes Knowledge management, Collaboration, Composite
Application Framework Core (CAF-Core), Visual Composer, Web Dynpro
extension, and .NET PDK.